Social Security Disability Representative

Michael Sexton

My name is Michael Sexton, and I am a Social Security Disability Representative. I was personally trained and mentored by two of the best Disability Representatives in the business, Karen Starr and Patty Sexton. With such extensive training, my Disability Approval percentages are significantly higher than average. With this level of mentorship, I quickly learned the ins and outs of the field. 

My job duties as a disability assistant included briefing cases, writing pre-hearing briefs, writing Appeals Counsel briefs, exhibiting records, performing administrative duties such as mailing packets and making routine phone calls, and writing blogs posts. Upon entering my last year of law school at Michigan State University, I started a solo practice and began representing clients at hearings. 

Additionally, upon entering my last year of law school, I began contracting with a Vocational Expert, Karen Starr, as a vocational evaluation writer. This work sets me apart in that it taught me a lot about how the vocational side of disability operates and the ways in which such knowledge can be used to help a claim. Finally, I graduated Law School at Michigan State University in May 2022, and then proceeded to take and pass my EDPNA Disability exam less than a month later. 

Having moved to Washington State after my Graduation, I took and passed the Health and Life insurance exam in August 2022 for the State of Washington. I am now a Contract Hearing's representative for Mission Possible Employment Services, Inc. and The Disability Digest, and a Contract prehearing brief writer and case developer for Starr Disability Advocates and Patient Support Services USA. I moved my practice to my home state of Louisville, Kentucky, in July of 2023, where I am excited to continue the hard work and dedication that began in Washington.

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